e-Título 2024.05.10 APK
App Info
- App Namee-Título
- Category Social
- Version2024.05.10
- Requirement 6.0 or higher
- File Size106.5 MB
- Updated2024-06-10
- App Codebr.jus.tse.eleitoral.etitulo
App Description
The e-TÃtulo is the digital way of the voter registration card. With it, it is possible to have quick and easy access to personal information in the Electoral Court. The new version, in addition to maintaining the provision of a certificate of electoral discharge and electoral crimes, has news: your data are now protected by a password, in addition to allowing you to consult electoral debts and register as a voluntary polling station.Important: e-TÃtulo is compatible with all Android versions available for smartphones launched in Brazil, starting from Android 6.0. TSE works constantly to keep the application updated with the latest versions available in Brazil.
Internet | Allows to access internet network. |
Access network state | Allows to access information about networks. |
Flashlight | Allows to use the flashlight. |
android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS | App customer permission. |
Read external storage | Allows to read from external storage such as SD card. |
Write external storage | Allows to write to external storage such as SD card. |
android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC | App customer permission. |
Camera | Allows to use the camera device. |
android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES | App customer permission. |
android.permission.READ_MEDIA_AUDIO | App customer permission. |
android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO | App customer permission. |
Access coarse location | Allows to access approximate location derived from network location sources such as cell towers and Wi-Fi. |
Access fine location | Allows to access precise location from location sources such as GPS, cell towers and Wi-Fi. |
Vibrate | Allows access to the vibrator. |
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE | App customer permission. |
Receive boot completed | Allows to receive the boot completed notification that is broadcast after the system finishes booting. |
Wake lock | Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming. |
Bluetooth | Allows to to connect to paired bluetooth devices. |
android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.finsky.permission.BIND_GET_INSTALL_REFERRER_SERVICE | App customer permission. |
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